Symposium feedback form Thank you for registering for the recently-held Eastern Cape Export Symposium.Kindly take just 3 minutes to provide feedback so we can improve on the next Edition of the Initiative I attended the Conference YesNo If you registered but did not attend please provide a reason why not? Please rate the following elements of the Conference on a scale of 1 – 5 with 1 being terrible and 5 being outstanding: The content shared by speakers at the Conference: 12345 The networking at the Conference 12345 The Venue 12345 Registration 12345 Signage 12345 Sound & AV 12345 Catering 12345 How did you hear about the Symposium? Industry AssociationDirect emailsSocial mediaAdverts in local mediaOther Did you visit the Exhibition? YesNo Which exhibitors did you interact with? Please share a highlight of the Conference? Please share any improvements you would like to suggest for the 2023 Edition?