Spaza Pizza

Spaza Pizza is a growing business with multi-ventures within the food market.  The business intentionally brings pizza to places previously on the outskirts of accessibility, like townships and rural areas. We offer a variety of services to the consumers and establishments.

• We partner with hotels, restaurants, universities, coffee shops as well as local tshisanyama establishments in creating additional revenue streams.

• We conduct research on areas of interest giving insights into the viability of the pizza business and projected additional revenue.

• We offer skills transfer through training, menu design, monitoring & evaluation and most of all quality assurance.

• Pizza bases are baked from scratch using pizza flour supplied by local restaurants,(Sunset on Beach).

• Our spices and herb sauces are created in-house using local ingredients to create an authentic taste that is original and standardized.

• Our frozen line pizza products are available to retailers, establishments such as guesthouses, Bed and Breakfast as well as school tuck shops.

• We cater for wedding functions, birthday parties, food markets, activations,

promotional events and festivals.

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